Our Commitment to the Watford Business Pledge

Last week, we shared how we attended the first Watford Business Pledge Celebration Event as part of the 13 inaugural businesses dedicated to being socially responsible, local advocates. Today, we wanted to explain in more detail exactly what that means and what we’ve pledged to do.

Key elements of the Watford Business Pledge

All businesses who take the pledge must do one or all of the following:

  1. Adopt good employment practices
  2. Support local employment
  3. Focus social value on the local area
  4. Exploring local suppliers first
  5. Adopt sustainable practices

To that end, we’ve made several concrete commitments…

To be an employer of choice and adopt good employment practices throughout the business

We’re committed to giving two weeks’ notice for scheduling and paying employees for shifts cancelled with less than two weeks’ notice. We’ll make sure every employee has access to a careline and counselling services, host quarterly events, offer gym memberships and wellbeing services and hold growth review meetings to encourage self-learning and paid training. We’ll enforce equal opportunities across everything and encourage this through ownership of the business. We’ll give out employee awards to reward those who show remarkable work; recognised throughout the company. Lastly, we’ll look into company wellness trips to enrich our health and culture further.

To support the local community by focusing social value activities locally

We will work with Herts and Essex Air Ambulance to help them with fundraising while volunteering at local charities like New Hope. We’ll increase our involvement with the Chamber of Commerce; engage with their charity events and look to take part in more client charity work.

To adopt a green approach and embed environmentally sustainable practices

We’ll keep it green as we’ve had a sustainability policy for over five years and have a member of staff managing our sustainability plan. We’ll ask our suppliers for their sustainability commitments and have a Q&A to send to suppliers and contractors on their sustainability commitments too. Lastly, we’ll provide help to suppliers if they want to reduce their carbon footprint via tech means. 


Ready to make these sorts of commitments yourself but need help to keep everything running smoothly as you transition from paper to the cloud? Talk to us today about your sustainable IT, dev and support needs.