AI for website & database maintenance

You’re probably aware that you can’t just set it and forget it when it comes to your website and database. But, getting those important tasks done is easier than ever when you apply AI for website & database maintenance. Today we’ll talk about some of the elements that can be automated with AI and how that’s bringing the costs and time investment down.

AI for database maintenance

Here are just a few of the database maintenance tasks that AI can make smarter and faster:

Automated data modelling

AI can help database support and maintenance specialists like us identify the best schema and modifications to improve data handling within your existing database. That can make queries faster and improve efficiency.

Quality management

AI can improve data integrity by automating data cleansing and de-duping functions to a regular schedule. That cuts down on the human effort required to keep a tidy database.

Advanced security

AI models can look for malicious activities and enforce security protocols; monitoring access to reduce the threat landscape across your database while enforcing Zero Trust. This decreases your risk of a breach or fines.

Better query performance

AI and ML can look at the past performance and patterns of queries and automatically adjust your database parameters so you get more performance out of each execution. This makes gaining insights faster than before.

Predictive scaling

When you know about future workloads, you can scale properly. AI helps to do this automatically by allocating resources, looking for issues and notifying admins. From there, we can advise of necessary upgrades before any of your systems struggle with demand.

Anomaly detection

When uptime is money, AI can help root out potential outages, breaches and other unusual patterns through continuous monitoring. This reduces the risk of data privacy leaks and other corporate espionage threats.

AI for website maintenance

The same thing applies to AI for website maintenance. Here are just a few of the areas that AI can speed up or improve:

Personalised experiences

AI can re-skin everything on your website and there’s already a working prototype out there. Fast Company explains that Adept, “[reads] what’s on your screen directly. While old automated systems could be scripted to collect certain elements off of web pages, Adept can make out the text, buttons, and images in real time—and they can make sense of what’s on these pages even if their components are moved or redesigned. After processing a page or pages of information, Adept can render an overlay through your web browser that’s like a [personalised] version of a website or other software.”

Streamlined maintenance

Need to get your updates and backups done faster? Have 100 products that need to be live today? AI can help. From no-code tools to automatic product descriptions; AI can enable you to launch and maintain your website faster and with richer media than previous tools offered.

Improved support

From SEO-indexed help articles to automated customer service, navigating the site and getting support is only increasing in speed as new tools come to market. Sure, they don’t always get it right just yet, but having the right partner to help you connect and configure these tools ensures you get none of the downsides while reaping all the benefits.

Can you just use AI for website & database maintenance?

Well, no. AI does have limitations and when your data and IP are at stake, you’ll want an expert team holding onto the reins, making sure that the right measures are taken in response to alerts, notifications, insights and forecasts. You wouldn’t want to trust this solely to a set of algorithms.

We can support you in using AI for website & database maintenance. Simply, get in touch today and tell us about your current IT landscape.