we create value for our clients
Bulgin is widely recognised as a leading manufacturer of environmentally sealed connectors and components. With over 95 years of experience in the industry, Bulgin continues to innovate and develop products and services to cater for its global customer base across a variety of markets.

why wirebox?
There was an increase of custom parts that were being ordered and Bulgin as a company decided it would be a good idea to create a custom cable assembly builder that you could tailor what you want in a connector and have a batch delivered. The custom solution was an initiative to increase what they can offer, with a fully customised builder, distributors are able to fulfil their needs when it comes to ordering larger quantities of bespoke connectors. Our in-house team have years of experience on a variety of Content Management Systems on many different platforms. These include open source systems to closed systems, we can along with our partners host, setup, install and train users how to use these systems.
our approach_
To plan this, Wirebox created a project scope, this allowed many areas of the project to be outlined for Bulgin to see and evaluate whether or not we have kept to the list of tasks we outlined. The Project Management process is a vital area that makes sure Wirebox delivers the best level of service to the client. This is standard procedure to make sure nothing is missed out, we stay within budget, keep the right people updated and lastly – keep our clients happy!
The next stage of the plan was creating the custom assembly builder. We had to connect our external app to the Magento database to query the products for the bespoke elements to create the custom cable assembler form. The external app needed to link and filter the products based on there relationship between the product attributes described by Bulgin. The external app was also required to retrieve product images and data for the UI and PDF.
The selection of both “Stage 1 Product category” (e.g. Power, Fibre or Data Connectors) and “Stage 2 Cable Options” (e.g. Single, Double or Triple Connectors) will produce slightly different “Stage 3” pages. The choice of Power, Fibre or Data Connectors resulted in different attribute drop downs. The choice of Single, Double or Triple Connectors will result in the amount of connectors required. The UI then directs the user to first select Connector A’s attribute drop downs, then the cable attribute drop downs and then finally Connectors B and C attribute drop downs depending on previously selected cable options.
When an attribute is selected, the UI will filter the options of all other attribute drop downs. Options will be filtered based on the attribute relationships provided by Bulgin. These attribute relationships should be one to one (eg “conector pole” relates to “cable pole”), matching values which are equal or wild cards (Eg “conector A pole 6” will match “cables pole 6” or “cables pole all”). The relationship data provided by Bulgin should point to one product when all attribute drop downs have been selected. Once the cable has been assembled an enquiry form will display in a pop up modal. Completion of the form will result in an email to both Bulgin and the customer linking to the cables spec in a PDF.
the project included:
- Cable PDF- Will be generated upon the user visiting a link produced from the details provided from the custom cable assembler form. The PDF will display the spec of their chosen cable.
- API calls and end-point – Based on selection in the front end there will be calls to the database based on the selections.This was developed in a JQuery framework
- Browser Testing & Release – Testing on latest browsers and releasing to live, on sign off.
- Front End – HTML / CSS build – Estimates Custom Solutions Landing Page

The custom solution builder worked successfully. Distributors and end users are now able to order a fully customised connector in bulk to resell of use for their own requirements. It’s easy navigation and drop down bars and pdf version of the quote that is easily downloadable makes it even more accessible for Bulgin’s distributors. Bulgin still very much relies on this facility on their website as it makes the experience for their distributors more engaging.
our approach delivered: